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Ephraim Knowlton Hanks Patriarchal Blessing

City of Great Salt Lake Basin of North America.
February 11, 1848
A blessing by John Smith, Patriarch, upon the head of Ephraim K. Hanks, son of Benjamin and Martha.
Born in Madison County, Lake Ohio, March 21, 1827

Brother Ephraim:

In the name of the Lord of Nazareth, I place my hands upon thy head, and by virtue of the Priesthood, I seal upon thee a Father's Blessing even of the blessings of Abraham, Issiac, and Jacob, and the Priesthood that was sealed upon the sons of Joseph to the uttermost bounds of the everlasting hills.

The Lord has appointed thee to preach the gospel to many nations of the gentiles, no power on earth shall stay thy hand. The winds and the waves of the sea shall be hushed at thy voice...Thou shalt baptise thousands, and be able to lead them to Zion. Thou shalt have faith to feed the great multitude in the wilderness. In a day of hunger and thirst, the springs shall break forth at thy command.

The learned and wise among the gentiles shall fear thy name. No feters that can be forged shall be able to hold thee prisoner. Doors shall open at thy word, thou shall be able to do miracles that ever was done by man, when it is necassary to forward the cause of Zion, or for the salvation of the children of men.

Thou shalt have a companion to assist and comfort thee. Thou shalt have sons and daughters that shall not come one whit behind any in the House of Isreal. Thou shalt also gather thousands of the Lamanites, have power over the treasures that are hid in the land.

Be satisfied with the riches of the earth, Heaven shall redem thy fathers with help of thy friends until the chain of the Priesthood is connected with that of Melchizedek (Abraham).

No good thing shall be witheld from thee. Now brother, give heed to council, watch thy ways as in the past, and not on word of this blessing shall fail. Amen

© 2008, Daniel C. Hanks