Experiences and Life of Amy Kirby Orme
06 January 2005 11:55
Experiences and Life of Amy Kirby Orme (PDF)
The Dayton Family of Utah has posted a history of Amy Kirbe Orme, prepared by Amy Orme Vowles. Amy Orme was a member of the Martin Handcart Company, and the history has a lot of information about Ephraim Hanks. What stands out to me, about the history, is the introduction to Eph's account of the handcart rescue. I have read from some sources that the account came from his journal (which I've never heard much more of), but according to this history, such is not the case. Rather, as the author recounts,
June 1891 when visiting the Sevier Stake in the interest of Church History, I became acquainted with Elder Ephraim K. Hanks, who resides in Pleasant Creek (in the Blue Valley Ward) now in Wayne County, Utah. He related to me the following"
So the account apparently was dictated by Eph to Andrew Jensen for the Juvenille Instructor.
I found this while searching for "Ephraim Hanks" on Yahoo's search engine. I'm normally a Googler, but haven't come across this in my Google searching. Maybe I'll have to spend some more time in Yahoo's search engine.
© 2008, Daniel C. Hanks